project details

Top Rated Digital Technology Advisor to New Zealand Trade and Enterprise

Helping high-growth exporters position their brands in new markets

Helping high-growth exporters position their brands in new markets

I started working with NZTE brands in 2020, right at the onset of COVID-19. The challenges of the pandemic provided an opportunity to systematise my digital advisory practice, reaching a record 120 brands in 12 months of service. The results of my digital advisory sessions were off the charts - 100% success rate with brands from every industry, ranging from fintechs to racehorses, engineering firms, SaaS products for construction, agriculture and health industries and everything in between.

The work with New Zealand's best brands has been the highlight of my career, for which I am forever grateful to both the team at NZTE and the exporters.

Talks, Papers and Press

Keynote presentations, papers and media pack


For those who want to know much more about me :)